What You Need to Know About Freezing Your Eggs

If you are planning on freezing your eggs, there are several things you should know before you do so. These include the Procedure, the cost, possible side effects, and whether or not infertility insurance will cover this cost. Here is a quick overview. To decide whether to freeze your eggs, you should talk to a doctor specialising in the Procedure.


The Procedure for freezing eggs is a medical procedure that freezes the follicles and eggs in a woman’s ovaries. It is suitable for women who are not able to conceive naturally and who are also unable to use donor seeds. The Procedure involves the placement of a needle into the vagina under ultrasound guidance. The patient will need a caregiver to drive them home after the Procedure, as the anesthesia will wear off over time.

Several side effects may occur after egg freezing, so you must talk to your doctor about this. Your doctor will also want to conduct an anti-mullerian hormone test to determine the number of eggs you need and how they will respond to hormone injection therapy. The anti-mullerian hormone test will also give your doctor an idea of how well your ovaries are functioning now.


Egg freezing is an option for women who wish to have biological children in the future. It increases their chances of having a baby later in life, but it can be very costly. Before you decide to freeze your eggs, make sure to compare clinics and their costs. You can also check if your employer offers benefits or grants to help you cover the costs. Another thing to consider is how you plan to store and implant your frozen eggs.

Egg freezing costs between $2,000 and $20,000, but many employers cover these costs. If your company does not pay for the Procedure, consider crowd-funding to help cover the costs. Some women have set up GoFundMe pages or YouCare pages to raise money for their expenses.

Side effects

As with any medical procedure, freezing eggs can have side effects. While the side effects of egg freezing may be limited to certain conditions, the Procedure is generally safe. There has been no increase in breast cancer among women undergoing the process. Additionally, similar studies have shown no increase in other types of cancer. Nevertheless, the side effects of egg freezing must be considered when deciding whether to go ahead with the Procedure.

Some side effects of egg freezing include vaginal soreness and abdominal cramping. However, these symptoms generally last for a few days and are manageable. The majority of women are back to their normal activities the next day. There is also a small risk of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, which can be life-threatening.

Infertility insurance coverage

Considering fertility preservation, you may wonder whether your health insurance coverage will cover the costs. While most insurance plans cover tests and procedures related to infertility, they may not cover fertility treatments. Also, many programs stop covering fertility treatments after a diagnosis.

The best way to determine whether your insurance plan will cover the cost of egg freezing is to check with your carrier. While many policies do not cover this Procedure, it is possible to get a partial or full reimbursement through your health insurance provider. Many companies will reimburse a certain percentage of the costs incurred by a couple for fertility preservation.

Some states require health insurance providers to provide coverage for infertility treatment. These mandates vary in scope, with some being comprehensive while others are minimal. For example, the Family Building Act of 1991 in Illinois requires health insurance providers to cover a portion of the costs of diagnosis and treatment for infertility.

Timeframe for egg freezing

The timeframe for egg freezing is essential to understand and prepare yourself for. Fortunately, there are several options available to you. You can choose to have your eggs frozen immediately or wait several years. Your fertility specialist will work with you to determine your most convenient time. It will help if you avoid excessive alcohol, caffeine, and vigorous exercise during your egg-freezing cycle.

In the first phase of your egg freezing, you will begin taking daily hormone injections. These will help your ovaries to produce multiple eggs in one cycle. The doctor will monitor your progress and ensure the medications are working to stimulate follicle development and egg production. You will have monitoring visits every five days to see how your eggs respond to the medicines.

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